Viking Signs US$42.6M Contract with Ministère des Transports du Québec for Avionics Upgrade Program (AUP) on its Canadair CL-415 Aerial Firefighters

Calgary, Alberta, November 19, 2019: Viking Air Limited of Victoria, British Columbia has signed a contract valued at US$42.6M with the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) for the Avionics Upgrade Program (AUP) for eight of its Canadair CL-415 aerial firefighters. With execution of the contract, MTQ becomes the launch customer for the Viking Avionics Upgrade Program for the Canadair CL-415 amphibious aircraft fleet.

The first of MTQ’s eight CL-415 aircraft to be modified through the Viking AUP will become the prototype for the program and will undergo modification and upgrade activities at Viking’s AUP integrator, Cascade Aerospace, in Abbotsford, British Columbia. This process will comprise the design, installation, testing and certification of the Pro Line Fusion® integrated avionics system in collaboration with Collins Aerospace as the component OEM.

After program certification, MTQ’s remaining seven CL-415 aircraft will also undergo the avionics upgrade to their specific configuration at Cascade’s facility.

Gregory Davis, Viking’s vice president of Customer Service & Product Support commented, “We are extremely proud to collaborate with Ministère des Transports du Québec on the modernization of their CL-415 aerial firefighter fleet. By working together with dedicated Canadair operators such as MTQ, we are securing the future of this great aircraft all over the world.”

‘’As an original launch customer for both the Canadair CL-215 and CL-415, the Ministère des Transports du Québec has always been actively engaged in the development of the CL platform,” said Dan Seroussi, Viking’s director of Programs. “We are excited to be working with MTQ to further enhance the Canadair CL-415 through our AUP and deliver the best evolution of the aircraft for the future.”

About the Viking Avionics Upgrade Program (AUP):

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To face challenges with supportability and end-of-life components inherent with aging technology, the AUP utilizes modern and reliable COTS systems that will easily interface with specialized mission equipment. The system is designed as a complete integrated solution for a harmonized cockpit that will not only meet current regulatory requirements, it will also address future operational and technical requirements over a 25+ year horizon.

A key component of the AUP is the introduction of the Collins Aerospace Pro Line Fusion® integrated avionics system, a FAR/Part 25 certified scalable software-based system. The avionics suite’s core configuration includes Flight Director, Flight Management System (FMS) coupled with SBAS-GPS and LPV capability, Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS), ADS-B Out, Synthetic Vision, crew alerting system display indicators, and a multi-functional keyboard panel with dual cursor controls providing an alternative to touch screen commands. A SATCOM system, multiband radio, Weather Radar, datalink and Auto-Pilot are few of the available options to further enhance and customize the avionics system based on operator requirements.

The AUP will initially be offered as an upgrade to operators of CL-215T or CL-415 who can select either a complete modification including the supply and installation of the avionics suite, or as a parts kit for installation by an approved Maintenance Repair Organization.

About Ministère des Transports du Québec:

The ministère des Transports of Québec has the mission to ensure the sustainable mobility of people and goods throughout Québec with efficient and safe transportation systems that contribute to the development of Québec. As part of this mission, the Direction générale du service aérien gouvernemental (DGSAG) plays a key role in fighting forest fires. The DGSAG operates a fleet of fourteen air tankers, including eight CL-415 aircraft, making the DGSAG the second largest operator of this type of aircraft in Canada. All of its planes are at the disposal of the Société de protection des forêts contre le feu (SOPFEU) and the ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs to coordinate forest firefighting activities in Québec. Its fleet is also used to provide assistance in Canada and in other parts of the world.

About Viking Air Limited:

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Headquartered in Victoria, BC, Viking is the global leader in utility aircraft services, and the manufacturer of the world-renowned Series 400 Twin Otter. Viking is the Original Type Certificate holder for all out-of-production de Havilland aircraft, DHC-1 through the DHC-7, and provides exclusive spare parts manufacturing and product support for the legacy de Havilland fleet. In 2007 Viking launched the Twin Otter Series 400 production program, and to date new Viking aircraft have sold to over 30 countries worldwide. In 2016, Viking acquired the Type Certificates (manufacturing rights) for the Canadair CL-215, CL-215T, and CL-415 aircraft. With this transfer, Viking assumed responsibility for all product support for the global fleet of 170 aerial firefighters.

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Viking is managed by Longview Aviation Capital Corp. (LAC), established in 2016 to manage a portfolio of long-term investments in the Canadian aerospace industry. LAC includes the assets of Viking Air Ltd.; De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited, owner of the entire Dash 8 program including the 100, 200, and 300 Series and the in-production 400 program; Pacific Sky Aviation Inc.; Longview Aviation Asset Management Inc.; and Longview Aviation Services. Longview, through its subsidiaries, holds the Type Certificates for the entire product line of original De Havilland Canada aircraft company. Longview has a workforce of approximately 1,800 full-time employees in manufacturing and aircraft service support in locations across Canada, including Victoria, Calgary, and Toronto.

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