Spring Training – CAL FIRE Aerial Assets Over Nevada and Placer Counties

CAL FIRE Aviation Operations will be conducting both fixed and rotary wing training in and around both Placer and Nevada Counties beginning this week and over the next three months weather and fire activity permitting.

Rotary Wing Training Operations

Our Helicopter Operations Division will be starting our phased S-70i Blackhawk nighttime training operations program this week. This will be replicated throughout the following weeks. This phased training will consist of routine nighttime flight operations in and around Placer County including off site landings, water dropping, fire suppression tactics, and rescue operations.

Fixed Wing Training Operations:

S2 Air Tanker Pilot Training and Emergency Procedure training will be taking place over the next 3 months. The aircraft involved will be our S2T Air Tankers and our OV-10 Bronco Air Attack Aircraft. Grass Valley Air Attack Base will be staffed for reload purposes and fully capable of emergency retardant operations. Chalk Bluff north of Nevada City and sections of the North Fork of the American River Drainage Northeast of Auburn will once again be used for flight operations training.

From: yubanet.com

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