After massive forest fires were reported on Monday in Jammu and Kashmir, efforts are still underway to douse the fire and further bring the situation under control. Concerning this, authorities have now called upon Indian Army choppers to carry out the fire extinguishing process across the hills in Udhampur.
While efforts are already underway to control the fire, the Indian Army has also launched ‘Bambi Bucket Operations’ to douse the raging flames.
The fire which broke out on Monday in the Gangara Hills forest of J&K’s Udhampur has so far destroyed acres of land and vegetation turning it to ashes. As informed by the officials, the fire took place due to the hot weather. In the video shared by ANI
on its Twitter handle, a thick layer of smoke can be seen rising from the fire site while people try to control its spread. Speaking on the same, a district-level Indian Forest Service (IFS) official said, “A team has been deployed in the area for controlling the situation. A meeting has also been held concerning the same. 90% of the fire has been doused. It took place because of the hot weather and people have been made aware of it.”
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