Hawaii Martin Mars Flies for First Time Since 2016 as Preps Continue for Final Flight Next Week

The thunderous roar of the four-engine, 10,000-horsepower Martin Mars water bomber is like no other and it was once again on full display Friday around Sproat Lake.

“It’s been several years since she’s flown and I know the crew are ecstatic, I mean they’ve been dying all week to try and get that thing up in the air so it was great to get the first flight out of the way,” said Coulson Aviation CEO Wayne Coulson.

The first flight was Thursday which drew a lot of attention around the lake and Friday’s was the second, a two-hour spin around the lake to make sure everything was working as it should.

There was an oil gauge problem Thursday that shut down one engine but it was running like new for the second test flight.

“Yesterday we had a bit of an issue with one engine but it was fine, they worked on it last night and just tweaked it up and today it was just running like never before,” said Mars pilot Rick Matthews.

Read more on this story at Chek News

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