Supporting the Firefighting Efforts in Greece

On Tuesday the 13th, Italy deployed two Avincis operated firefighting aircraft to support Greece in its battle against the devastating wildfires raging across the country. They are now in action north of Athens.

The Canadair CL-415’s were swiftly mobilised once alerted by RescEU European Civil Protection Mechanism, an EU coordinated endeavour organising international firefighting support.

As active participants in the RescEU European Civil Protection Pool, our committed fleet strengthens European capacity for emergency response and contributes to the faster and reliable management of emerging risks.

Roberto Marcolini, Managing Director Avincis Italy Fixed Wing, said: “Avincis is proud to support this important mission. We have flown two aircraft here from Italy but we will be in Greece as long as we are needed. Protecting the people and communities of Athens is a top priority at this time. The Canadair CL-415 aircraft are extremely capable machines with the ability to drop approx 6,000 litres of water each time. These aircraft will make a significant contribution to the effort in getting these wildfires under control.”

We are very proud to be supporting the EU in this life saving mission to protect people and communities in Greece, and incredibly grateful for all the firefighters and crew who display remarkable solidarity across borders.

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