The final Martin Mars aircraft owned by Coulson Aviation will likely take flight for the last time in November or December of this year from its home in Sprout Lake, BC before making its final flight to Lake Roosevelt in Arizona, the largest water body in Arizona and the nearest body of water capable of handling the arrival of the large air tanker before its delivery to the Pima Air and Space Museum near Tucson, Arizona.

The acquisition of the final Martin Mars from Coulson to the museum, announced on April 25th by Coulson Aviation, and the museum will see the final Philippine Mars have a permanent home at the world renowned museum and home to over 400 other historically significant aircraft.
After the arrival of the Hawaii Mars last month at its permanent home at the British Columbia Air Museum, all eyes are likely to be on the final delivery, likely to generate significant interest just as the Canadian delivery did in August as the aircraft will arrive at Roosevelt lake, where it will be removed from the water (as the Mars has no landing gear) and dismantled close by before being trucked the final 150 miles to the Pima Air and Space Museum where it will be reassembled before being put on permanent display.