By Bill Lavender
Since the first one AT-802F was dedicated to the MILITARY FIRE BRIGADE OF THE STATE OF MATO GROSSO - CBM/MT, the pilots and terrestrial troops have been busy fighting against the fires in the whole State.
Aeroglobo representative of ATI for Lane Aviation in south America, based in Botucatu, did a contract of sale with the CBM/MT for the delivery of two AT-802F, together with the technical support and the pilots' necessary training to carry out the air operations of fight against fires of a sure and successful way. In agreement with Major Flavio Gledson, the first pilot of combat of Firemen's fires of the Mato Grosso, and current Commander of the Group of Firemen's Aviation, the State needs to establish a point of reference to the quality in the fight against Forest fires with air means, and for it is necessary dominate the technology and the operation of aircraft of combat. It was decided that the best way to do this was creating its own air division fire fighting, using own military firefighters to compose the crews of aircraft and for ground support activities. Major Flavio Gledson, explained that after increasing our technical capacity and knowledge about the aerial combat, the state has plans to expand its air operations, not only with the acquisition of new aircraft, but also with the hiring of private operators, and may demand a higher quality service, thanks to what they learned from their own air operations. Finally, the objective is to provide the society with Mato Grosso a efficient aerial combat system, to reach success in the control of forest fires that reach this region of Brazil every year. According to the flight instructor Lane/Aeroglobo, Sebastián Ramírez responsible for instruction, the Aviation Group has adopted the international requirements for the control of fire-fighting aircraft; requirements were established in a training program formulated by them, which basically consists of 3 stages. In the first stage, after completion of the minimum requirements, began to make preparation where the pilot must carry out theoretical instructions and practices for transition to conventional turbine aircraft, which were conducted in certain aircraft in flight simulator, as well as in real flight in aircraft AT-504 and AT802F. In the second phase was executed on combat training, where the pilot undertook training in simulated environment of normal procedures and emergencies in situations of aerial combat and practical instruction in the procedures and combat maneuvers with the AT802F. The third and current phase, the advanced stage, the pilot is engaged in operations of real firefighting under the technical supervision of pilots with extensive experience in the fight against forest fires with AT802F. The Major Gledson explains "the state of Mato Grosso, unfortunately, some years ago is among the States with the highest number of forest fires in the country. The aircraft are essential tools in the development of actions for sustainable conservation of biodiversity in the country". For this reason CBM/MT structured and trained battalion of environmental emergencies, the unit responsible for service of forest fires throughout the State. This structure was acquired with the fund Amazon, capitalized by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development-BNDES, with the state's contribution to the acquisition of AT-802F and structure for the air and ground operation for the control of forest fires. To capture these resources, is required to submit a draft of CBM/MT entitled "Forest fires", which explains and justifies the acquisitions mentioned above for the conservation of the Amazonian biome. This project has served as a model for other States in the country that have the mission to save the Amazon forest in his country. In the next few years the CBM/MT plans to carry out alliances with other States and private companies to strengthen the combat actions through the use of equipment for air and ground during the occurrence of fires. This partnership will mitigate the sources of heat and greenhouse gas emissions, with the existing structure in the State and the air fleet, provided by the partners, strengthening the response to wildfires operations and be more agile and significant results in the preservation of forests and other protected areas. Photo: 4177 /Sebastián Ramírez, Instructor of Lane/Aeroglobo of air combat of fires Photo: 0242/ center left Sebastián Ramírez and center right, Major BM Flavio Gledson Vieira Bezerra with two military advisers. Photo: 1803/ Sebastián Ramírez (I) Aerial fire fighting instructor to Lane/Aeroglobo and Major BM Flavio Gledson Vieira Bezerra (D) pilot. 2314 & 4009 / Loading the AT-802F to fight fires in Paraguay. Photos: Chapada 1, 3 & 4: AIR LAND RESOURCES AND EMPLOYEES ARE TRYING TO CONTAIN THE FOREST FIRE THAT REACHES NATIONAL PARK OF CHAPADA GUIMARÃES Major Flavio Gledson doing training for operation with aircraft staff of CBMMT Course in ground for operation with aircraft training In the Centre of green flight suit, left Instructor Aeroglobo, Sebastián Ramírez and right Major of CBMT Flavio Gledson, surrounded by the staffing belonging to the barracks of CBMT Primavera do Leste. First solo flight of Major Gledson in AT802F First course of Air Operations. In the center from left to right, green flight suit: Major Flavio Gledson, Instructor Sebastian Ramirez, Lt. Colonel Aluísio Metelo, Lt. Colonel Lazarus, Lt. Colonel Zanca, surrounded by the official all the barracks of Mato Grosso that attended the course.
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