Residents near Catalina State Park must leave their homes Friday night because of the approaching Bighorn Fire, which has burned northward, officials said.
The area, near Golder Ranch Drivve, is roughly bounded by the Forest Service line on the south and east, Sutherland Trail on the west, and Rollins Road on the north, the Pima County Sheriff's Department said.
"If you are in this area, EVACUATE NOW. Move west away from the Catalina Mountains. Do not delay leaving the area," PCSD said.
Deputies will be going door to door to make contact with those affected residents who may not have received the message.
An evacuation shelter is open at Canyon del Oro High School, 25 W. Calle Concordia, in Oro Valley. Large animal sheltering will be done at Rillito Racetrack, 4502 N. 1st Avenue.
Sheriff's Department officials reiterated that there is "significant danger" from the wildfire in the area to the south of the evacuation zone, between the national forest and Lago Del Oro Parkway/North Oracle Road, stretching between Hawser Street on the north to Bowman Road on the south.
Read more on this story at the Tucson Sentinel