Little more than a month after wildfires burned a devastating swath across the Possum Kingdom Lake area and other parts of North Texas, representatives from the Fire and Emergency Response Division of the Texas Forest Service recently came to Possum Kingdom Lake to watch a demonstration of the Texas-made aerial firefighting single engine air tanker.
One operations spokesperson said: “With ADS-B In deployed, our pilots will be able to see the call signs of all the aircraft working on the fire, this will improve situational awareness.” General consensus seems to exist that ADS-B Out is expected to enhance safety, allowing air traffic controllers to see where aircraft are at all times.
By John Thomas
Over twenty years ago, an agricultural application and aerial firefighting company in Spain developed a visionary and aggressively proactive strategy to combat...
Washington State’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has fought wildfires with this same aggressive strategy since 2016 and, to date, it has been extremely...