Aerial Fire News


By Igor Bozinovski Europe will remember the summer of 2018 by the continent-wide heatwave that brought drought and wildfires to places where no...

Active season; reduced contracts

Most areas of the country have experienced a spring that has been much colder and wetter than normal. April snow was common with many...

Bambi Bucket bolsters aerial firefighting in Brazil

Delta, Canada - SEI Industries Ltd. is proud to announce the delivery of the very first Bambi Torrentula® Bucket to the Brazilian Navy.

Seasons are Changing

On October 1st the National Interagency Fire Council (NIFC) reduced the National Situation Report from daily to weekly. On that same day the National Preparedness...

Hellenic Air Force suffers its second CL-215 crash of the year.

The status of Greece’s aerial fire-fighting armada is in crisis after the Hellenic Air Force endured its third major CL-215/415 disaster since 2014. On June 26, 2016 at 11:09 GMT, the piston-engine, fire-fighting aircraft of the Hellenic Air Force, the Canadair CL-215, crashed close to the village of Stefani, near the Dervenochoria area, approximately 30 km northwest of Athens.

Patent application for a disposable air tanker

John A. Hoffman, who appears to be associated with Fire Termination Equipment, Inc., has applied for a U. S. Patent for a very different type of air tanker.

Simplex Aerospace Certifies Groundbreaking New Fire Attack™ System

Simplex Aerospace is the world leader in design, production, certification, and sales of aerial application mission equipment for helicopters.

Avialsa celebrates its 50th Anniversary

The aviation company gathered workers and their families at the aerodrome of Viver on 12 December, the Valencian aerospace company, Avialsa T-35 SL, celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Fire Wars

Perhaps the most simple form of Economic Warfare is wild land arson—setting fires in U.S. forests and grasslands. For terrorists determined to inflict significant damage with very little investment or risk, fire is an extremely high-leverage weapon of mass effect.

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