Extinguishing Fires With Helicopters Soon a Possible Measure
Minister for Home Affairs Taina Bofferding provided responses to three parliamentary questions concerning how to battle wildfires after a summer...
Minister for Home Affairs Taina Bofferding provided responses to three parliamentary questions concerning how to battle wildfires after a summer...
Two significant weapons in L.A. County firefighters’ arsenal against brush fires have arrived, county fire officials confirmed Monday. “They are...
(Albany, Georgia) Following an announcement last week that Thrush Aircraft will be bringing in new leadership along with a financial...
EL DORADO COUNTY (CBS13) — Cal Fire has opened an investigation into how a local fire department’s fire engine was...
Ground crews fought the Saddle Butte Fire with support from the sky, which turns out to be a complicated endeavor....
POCATELLO, Idaho — The "Gun Range Fire" is now 100 percent contained thanks to intense firefighting efforts on the ground and from...
A new wildfire reported Monday west of Cody burned roughly 2,000 acres in just a few hours. Spread by erratic,...
Fire crews have contained a fast-moving blaze that flared up west of Kalbar on Queensland's Scenic Rim, as well as...
China began international showcasing of the AVIC AG600 Kunlong seaplane at Russia’s International Aviation and Space Salon event in Zhukovsky,...
Mop-up operations have started on a 55-acre wildfire that ignited beneath a sweltering triple-digit sun Tuesday afternoon in the Applegate Valley. The...