Aerial Fire News

Senate inquiry calls for bushfire fleet, lambasts Commonwealth funding

A business case to build a sovereign Australian fleet of firefighting aircraft capable of extinguishing remote fires before they become disasters has been recommended...

‘Showstoppers’: Emails reveal barriers to flying firefighters in Black Hawks

The NSW Rural Fire Service faces an uphill battle to get two Black Hawk helicopters to fly firefighters to remote areas because it is...

Perimeter Solutions Launches Residential PHOS-CHEK product in Collaboration with CSAA

Perimeter Solutions and CSAA Insurance Group, a AAA insurer, have partnered to launch a pilot program that can help give homeowners additional protection against...

Santa Barbara County Introduces Refitted UH-60L as Copter 964 for Aerial Firefighting and Rescue

Santa Barbara County's joint Sheriff-Fire Air Support Unit announced the arrival from Alabama of Copter 964, a 2004 Sikorsky HH-60L helicopter. Since its purchase...

$8.3 million to fund valuable airborne fire-mapping technology

Australian firefighters and communities better manage bushfires throughout the State. The State Budget includes $8.3 million for a new high-performance aircraft and multispectral line scanner...

Southern California Edison Funds ‘Critical Aerial Support’ for Daytime and Nighttime Firefighting

Partnership with the Orange County Fire Authority and Coulson Aviation brings the world’s largest fire helicopter to SCE’s service area. ROSEMEAD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Captain Greg Barta...

U.S Forest Service Releases Multi Year Report on Firefighting Use And Effectiveness

The U.S Forest Service released their final report today on the Aerial Firefighting Use and Effectiveness (AFUE) study. The Aerial Firefighting Use and Effectiveness (AFUE)...

Erickson Aero Tanker Spotted Dropping in Southern Oregon

Deputy Chief Mike Hussey of Jackson County Fire District 3 recognized his firefighters just couldn’t move fast enough as they tried to try to...

Lake Ohau, Waitaki fire: At least 20 homes destroyed in South Island blaze, residents evacuated

Eleven helicopters and seven ground crews are battling a huge Canterbury fire that has damaged or destroyed at least 20 homes and forced hundreds...

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