Unscheduled Events – Sudden Stoppage and Prop Strikes
I have written before about unscheduled events (exceedances). This time under the title of unscheduled events, I will look at prop strikes and sudden stoppage.

By Dr. Penny Giovanetti, FAA Medical Specialties Division director Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the most common conditions faced by pilots seeking medical

Tackling Rotorcraft’s “Dirty Dozen”
By Jim Tise, FAA’s Office of Communications The pilot of the Bell 206 helicopter was returning on a cross-country business trip, flying in good weather

HeliQwest – Multi National Operations
Running an aerial firefighting company is a complex task, and running one with operations in two countries is a feat few could pull off. However,

Brazil Opens Latin America’s First Aerial Firefighting Research Station
THE PROJECT Last week, the first aerial firefighting research station in Latin America was inaugurated. Established in São José do Rio Preto (state of São

The Drop – Knowledge is Nothing Without Training
If you read my editorials every issue, you know that two things are very close to my heart in aviation. I am a massive proponent